Star in the East Lodge #59 of Free and Accepted Masons

63 Water Street Exeter, New Hampshire 03833
Typical Meeting

Meetings start with a meal, and Masons love to eat! The meals start with a blessing and go from salad to dessert with a tasty main course. Service is usually provided by the Rainbow Girls and their advisors.
Lodge opens at 7:00 PM unless sooner, or specially convened. The Master opens the Lodge, and the Senior Deacon sets the lights, followed by a prayer from the Chaplain. After the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag the Master runs the meeting. Business is discussed and the work of the evening proceeds.
As anyone who has studied Masonry knows, ritual plays a distinctive role in a Lodge meeting. The ritual has been learned and communicated to new members who in turn learn it and teach other new members. These are the ancient landmarks of the craft that all who seek light in Masonry will discover.