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FEBRUARY 2025 trestleboard

Star in the East Lodge #59

Exeter, New Hampshire

Wor. Dwane Staples, Master






Stated Meeting of Star in the East Lodge #59, F. & A. M.

Thursday February 13, 2025 at 7:00 P.M. (Dinner at 6:P. M. and Collation after meeting)

  - To conduct all business that may regularly come before the Lodge

  - Program:

Thursday February 13:  Stated Meeting and red tie night for Valentines Day

!! Sunday February 16: Breakfast at Star in the East. 9:AM!!

Thursday February 20: Hot Dog Night!! Friends & Family Invited, Rehearsal at 7:15pm FC Degree

Thursday February 27: Masters Class 6:30pm




Greetings Brethren!

   I want to thank all that attended the Installation of officers in January. There was a great number in attendance and the Installing team did a great job and I am truly grateful for those who participated.

   I do have sad news to convey as Worshipful Joe Kenick has passed at the time of writing this Trestleboard. Please keep the Kenick family in your thoughts and prayers.

   You may have noticed that I have kept some versus from the previous Trestleboard. I am a Disney fan and I think that the quote is appropriate as we move forward in the upcoming years.

    I have been working on programs for the upcoming year and would ask if there is a subject you would like to have as a program, please let me know. If you would like to do a program, please let me know. The more voices that we can have at our meetings I believe the better we can make the meetings so that they don’t become white noise in the background.

    I have asked that our February meeting for you to where a red tie to celebrate Valentines Day which will be the Friday after our meeting.

    Please see the special note at the end of the Trestlboard about an event to sign up for after our monthly breakfast, Brother Einhaus has volunteered to give a tour of Phillips Exeter Academy buildings. There is a blurb about this at the end of the Trestlboard with how to sign up to attend. This will take place after the monthly breakfast.

    The program for this month will be the The Business of Masonry. You will find and explanation and questions in the Trestlboard. I want to hear from members about how they answer the questions and we will have a discussion at our stated meeting on the 13th. This comes from a piece that was sent I read to say we should be planning for the future and not the past and I have talked to the officers about this. Please come and I want to hear your thoughts on the questions and the future. I have asked MW Stew Aronson to help with this presentation.

    Lastly it has been a cold January and we have not had this weather in a few years. Where it is not cold is at our Lodge room so if you can come and join us it will be warm and welcoming.

            I look forward to seeing you in Lodge!



Dwane Staples, WM  ( 603.682.5205


Final Thought:

“The secret of making progress is to get started.”    - Walt Disney



Special Notes:


- There is no warmth more comforting than surrounding yourself with good people who care.

- Star in the East is committed to being a Lodge that practices inclusion. Please, Brethren, if you would like to present a program, take part in Ritual, serve on a committee, or help with our dinners, we’d love to hear from you.

- Remember, our Lodge room is a sanctuary, free from the worries and tribulations of the outside world, where we all meet on the Level.

- You are someone’s impression of the Fraternity. Please dress appropriately for our meetings.​​




From the West







I am very much enjoying the view from the West. It allows me to see the great work which is being facilitated by all the officers of Star in the East. I am honored to have so many of the Brethren who assisted in raising me, over forty years ago, inside of our officer line.

I am very excited by the pending degree work. I will have the honor of sitting in the East for the upcoming EA Degree. This is part of the “step-up” program that we have in Star in the East. It’s very exciting to see new members join this beautiful fraternity and Lodge.

Our Junior Warden, and his Special Lady, are hitting the ground running. They will do a great job with keeping all of us fed and very happy.

I am so happy with all that we have done as a Lodge over these past two years. I am certainly looking to all of you to help me navigate this next year as your Senior Warden.

Please make it a point to say hello!


Michael Frost, SW


Michael W. Frost, Junior Warden



Mike Frost SmallBW.png



From the South





Fraternal greetings Brethren

We are looking forward to our next Stated communication.  I am so honored to be part of our Lodge and looking forward to the months and years to come at Star in the East!


February is the “turning point” in winter where we all have endured cold days and nights. Nothing warms the heart and soul more than spending time with fellow brethren!


The menu for February Stated:

MAIN COURSE:  Meat Lasagna & Meatballs

DESSERT: Brownies, Cookies and Selected Pastries      

COLLATION:  Chef’s Surprise!



Joe Elliott, JW


NOTE:  RESERVATIONS ARE A MUST FOR THIS MEAL.  The cost of this meal will be $10.00


If you will be joining us for dinner, you are requested to email or call Brother Joe Elliott, Junior Warden; cell: (603) 702-3480 email


Note:  PLEASE reserve no later than the forty-eight (48) hours prior to the stated event. Only “Active Candidates” and “Special Ladies” will not be charged for this meal.

Joe Elliott.jpg





When we meet as Masons we have certain expectations of what will occur based on whether the Worshipful Master has called us together for a “Stated Meeting”, a “Special Meeting”, or an informal or committee meeting.  Collectively, we refer to these meetings as “Communications”. Within that framework we attend to the basic hallmarks of the Craft by performing Ritual work, either as essential openings and closings, or specific to Degree Work. We also spend a significant amount of time tending to the business of Masonry, and the Lodge, either within the confines of a “Stated Meeting” or in a less formal gathering of defined committees. Our Ritual is sanctified within the Fraternity, and cannot and should not be altered. Certain business transactions are also defined according to Constitutional requirements of our Jurisdiction. Other types of business is carried out within and without the Lodge room, and tends to fall into practiced form, but that has no defined ceremony other than any we might impose upon ourselves by our By-Laws. Therefore, those practices are open to interpretation according to our wishes and preferences.


Freemasonry has a “Body” of properties that are essentially immovable according to our Landmarks and Charters. We won’t spend time here trying to discern or define those particular properties. However, no organization can survive without consistent re-examining of their institutional practices to assure they’re relevant to the requirements of the organization, and that they fulfill the needs and preferences of the constituency. In that spirit, we hope to use this exercise to formulate an ongoing discussion on the practices, policies, and conventions that regularly occur within a Lodge, and that can have far reaching effect on the happiness and participation of the members. In order to facilitate this discussion, we’ll use a series of questions to establish a dialog that can be built upon and, hopefully, create a series of action items that will assist us in making Star in the East Lodge a more dynamic organization, and create an environment that defines our stated cultural desire for inclusivity.


  1. What is a Stated Meeting?

  2. How often are Stated Meetings required?

  3. Who can participate and/or vote in a Stated Meeting?

  4. What are the defined duties of the Installed Lodge Officers?

  5. What is the expected dress code of a Stated or Special Meeting?

  6. What is the purpose of a “Special Communication”?

  7. How often can a “Special Communication” be called?

  8. Who is required to participate in Degree work?

  9. What is the difference between the Constitution and the By-Laws?

  10. The 10th question will be asked after full discussion of the first 9 questions.



-     R. W. Richard F. Cole, Jr. Historian



Just a reminder – our next breakfast will be February 16, at 9:00 am and go until we run out of food or conversation. Bring your family and friends for breakfast. There is no charge. All we ask is that you bring some food item to contribute to the meal. If you could please let the Junior Warden or me know if you’re attending it would be appreciated.    


– Wor. Mike Daley Jr., PM



Fraternal Greetings Brethren,


First I’d like to mention the awesome Degree we put on for our new Brother Max Cantelmo. The Ritual and floor work were as spot on as you could hope for. That was truly an enjoyable evening.

I am continuing to research different musical selections for our interludes, and I have asked for some suggestions from a Brother of Phoenix Lodge, Paul Smith. The times I’ve visited Phoenix Lodge I’ve experienced terrific music. Hopefully you’ll enjoy what I come up with.

Until we meet again…STAY WARM!



-Wor. David P. Dominianni, PM

Officer Email Links

2025 Officers and Installing Suite
(to be updated soon)
2023 Officers2.JPG

Remember, Brethren......YOU are someone's idea of Freemasonry!

A link for dinner reservations is below, but if there is a problem with it, please email him:

or call 603-702-3480

Dining Hall 2023 2.jpg

Please make Star in the East dinner reservations here!

Find out what's happening in the 1st Masonic District!

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Catamount Apr. 2024

Webmaster: Wor. David P. Dominianni, PM

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