Star in the East Lodge #59 of Free and Accepted Masons

63 Water Street Exeter, New Hampshire 03833
This website is dedicated to the memory of our beloved Brother, Webmaster and Past Master, Stephen Merrill Murad, who laid down his working tools on October 20, 2013. May you forever have a fair wind and following sea. Rest in peace, Brother.

Welcome to Star in the East Lodge #59
Star in the East Lodge #59 is located at 63 Water Street in Exeter, NH. and is part of the 1st Masonic District of Free & Accepted Masons under the Grand Lodge of F&AM of the State of NH. The Lodge is on the second floor of the building that contains A Pictures Worth and Exeter Fine Crafts stores. It is accessed from the street, through a door between the two businesses. A flight of stairs leads to the Lodge apartments and is equipped with a chair lift allowing handicapped access. The Lodge was constituted on April 23 1857. Stated meetings fall on the second Thursday of each month with the exception of July and August, the months that the Lodge is dark.
Masonry takes a good man and makes him better through the ancient usages and landmarks of the craft.